SETIC & POURTIER: You have come to the right partners

SETIC and POURTIER are well-known designer and manufacturer of rotating machines and are your cable production right partners.

Consolidating gains and preparing the future,  SETIC and POURTIER help you to stay ahead of the curve on productivity, reliability and innovation for the production of communication and power cables.

Both brands are working in close synergy to develop complete solutions made in Europe, from the design and manufacture of high technology rotating machines up to the commissioning and after-sales service of the equipment.

Your challenge is our core business for many years !

Innovation, quality and high productivity are the key notes for our portfolio. Our brands developed by high-skilled teams of engineers based in France, are offering added-value processes and solutions for optimized wire and cable production.

SETIC workshop, FRANCE

Founded in 1948, SETIC is a leader in LAN pairing machines and a major actor in the automotive wire equipment.

Owner of the Patented Triple Twist Technology.

SETIC brand designs and manufactures high-speed rotating machines to produce high quality special & LAN cables with enhanced performances in one step or two steps according to product mix as well as double twist bunchers / stranders for the power cable and automotive industry.

Its highly skilled engineering and R&D departments develop innovative equipment solutions, as well as new and improved cable manufacturing processes.

  • First company in the world to implement round Unilay with double twist
  • Owner of the Patented Triple Twist Technology
  • More than 4500 machines are in production worldwide

Founded in 1860, Made in POURTIER machines guarantee proven solutions as strong as power cable.

Reputed experience and state-of-the-art technologies.

POURTIER develops heavy-duty rotating machines to produce all types of power cables, more specifically High Voltage and Extra-high Voltage Power Cable : from overhead cable (including ACCC™ , ACSS-TW and ACSR-TW with trapezoidal wires) to insulated cable AC type (using high quality Milliken conductor) or DC type (using large round compacted conductor or trapezoidal wires).

The POURTIER brand is also active in the submarine and umbilical cable sector.

  • Over 1500 lines, i.e. 10000 individual machines in production worldwide
  • 700 drum twisters for energy cable including HV (Milliken) and telecom cable up to 3000 pairs
  • 120 rigid and planetary stranders for energy cable including HV and OPGW cable
  • 2200 taping heads for all applications including HV cable, transformer wire and special applications
Our team

Our dedicated team with knowledge and experience at your service.


e design, manufacture, and commission a wide variety of technologically advanced machines that create added values for your Wire & Cables facility.

Thierry Collard


Thierry Collard


Since 1993

Thierry Pietroniro

Sales Manager

Since 2008

Sébastien Farge

Sales Area Manager

Since 2004

Philie Colin

Marketing Coordinator

Since 2006

Sébastien Farge

Sales area manager

Since 2004

Benjamin GRASSET

Sales area manager

Since 2024

Médéric Fameau

Sales Area Manager

Since 2012

Thierry Pietroniro

Sales manager

Since 2008

Médéric Fameau

Sales area manager

Since 2012

Julien David

Sales Area Manager

Since 2004

Philie Colin

Marketing coordinator

Since 2006

Julien David

Sales area manager

Since 2004


1860 POURTIER manufactured winding machines for the textile industry, then developed the first insulating machine for flexible cables, followed by insulating machines for telephone cables.
1948 SETIC braided cotton thread for textile manufacturers.
1950 POURTIER rode the wave with emergence of high-speed vertical pairing and quadding machines, high-voltage paper insulation tape machines with up to 16 pads on each head and telephone wire insulation machines, of which more than 6,000 were produced & delivered at that time.
1960 The explosion, in the years 1960, of the needs related to the telephone, made it possible to develop the so-called "double twist" machines to twist copper wires and multiwire pay-offs.
1987 In 1987, SETIC was acquired by GAUDER & Co., (Belgium). Subsequently, in the 1990s, the rise of computer networks opened up new perspectives: SETIC developed a very wide range of equipment for communication cables, becoming the market leader in LAN (Local Area Network) equipment.
2002 As a logical extension of expertise in designing and manufacturing rotating machines POURTIER offered its experience in the production of stranding/cabling machines for high and very high voltage electric cables and integrates the group in 2002.
2003 Upon market request, SETIC creates an internal dedicated department to develop same level of technology bows for other machine brands : BOW TECHNOLOGY was born.
2014 Rebranded the Customer Services division for its 12-year life : C2S (Cables Services and Systems) available for any spare parts, upgrades, maintenance, services, solutions needs.
2021 Previously two separate companies inside the same group, today SETIC s.a.s is the parent company and owns both SETIC & POURTIER brands. Company is a world-wide leader in supplying efficient, proven and complete solutions to the Wire & Cable industry and is located in France (Roanne & Lognes)

A worldwide presence


























Looking for continuous improvement and lean tuning?

Cable Services & Systems: The Obvious answer for All Brands.

‘C2S’ takes care of your Wire & Cable production lines !

Setic s.a.s. has developed an after-sales strategy based on worldwide presence to offer best and fast service to the Wire & Cable industry. Rich of a long successful experience, the rebranded ‘C2S’ provides services for all brands of Wire & Cable machinery including of course our POURTIER and SETIC integrated materials.

The services division turnover has been rising by 350 % for 10 years !

From France and USA  the ‘C2S’ division represents the ideal partner to restore machine productivity and product quality thanks to a unique approach based on :

  • the set-up of technical improvements with specific assistance for upgrading existing machinery thanks to latest developments
  • the expertise of existing equipment with recovering proposal by spare parts exchange
  • consulting possibilities for maintenance advices
  • Industry 4.0

Entrust machine manufacturer-made bows to optimize your rotating machines operations.

70+ Years of Experience in Double Twist

High-technology bows are well designed and manufactured in collaboration with the most renowned cable makers.

BOW TECHNOLOGY flyers enable higher level of performances and extended lifetime of the equipment. The dedicated team carries out comparative studies and trials to customize and upgrade obsolete designs.

The result ? A wide range of customized bow designs – as well as the exclusive and patented GreenBow – are available for 25+ well-known brand of equipment.